1 to 1 Coaching
We offer 1-to-1 coaching for your employees and their partners/spouses, over the phone or face to face.
We use a variety of coaching approaches including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to address the physical and psychological impact of cancer. This complements and enhances EAP and Occupational Health services.
The coaching process
Coaching will be tailored to each person’s specific needs. It’s flexible and is arranged on a session by session basis but typically involves:
Up to six 1 hour coaching sessions working principally with the coachee to facilitate the most realistic and practical work related outcomes. These sessions can be held face to face at a suitable location, or over the telephone or by Zoom
Further follow up sessions, as required, on an ad hoc basis as well as telephone and email support
Follow up with the employer (if sponsoring the coaching) and employee after 6 months to monitor the effectiveness of the coaching
Each coaching relationship will be documented in a coaching contract outlining the services to be provided
Full, immediate access to further information, resources and support networks
Wider career and life goals
Coaching typically covers:
The cancer itself and managing its side effects while working
Handling initial and continuing conversations with others including boss, work colleagues, suppliers and clients
Dealing with changes at work
Reasonable adjustments
Social interaction at work and outside work
Family and financial worries
To find out more about our coaching services, email MyMuse